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  • Cast Fixed Gaffs

    All Cast Gaffs are double pinned and glued into thick-walled fibreglass poles for strength and durability. Heads are cast and then case hardened high tensile Stainless Steel with a hand polished finish. Handles are wrapped and bound to ensure a high grip surface in wet and slimy conditions.


    Note: When picking a gaff, always ensure it will fit with the size and space available in your vessel as well as the size of the species you are targeting. If you are chasing species that tend to roll and thrash like sharks it would be best to consider a flying gaff instead.

    • Tech Specs

      Part# Head Size Length Grips
      CG3-90 3" (75mm) 90cm 2 Bound
      CG3-120 3" (75mm) 1.2m 3 Bound
      CG3-150 Discontinued    
      CG4-120 4" (100mm) 1.2m 3 Bound
      CG4-160 4" (100mm) 1.6m 3 Bound
      CG5-180 Discontinued    
    • Warranty

      Hook'em will NOT Warranty any fixed gaff that has been misused from its intended purpose or is a result of careless or accidental breakage.